Leningrad Book 1985 and Envoi
by Göran Sonnevi


When we expose ourselves to language

music grows too

And the other way around, in continual

escalation.      A river

shining,  rising in its length

on up into space      There

there is a sun, cloud

moon, stars

And a growing city

across a growing plain, growing waters

The river has a voice

I have a voice as well, it rises

from the lungs of my throat,

ignites the sky

ignites the city’s

growing houses

Fire      Breathing that grows



This is the time of the

                         intensified terror

not as yet comprehended

in its fullness      It keeps

coming back

wave after wave, rising sinking

eradicating itself

and thereby

every  heart      Silent roads, people

waiting in solitude at bus stops

Roads swept clean,

crystal slowly crumbling

It was a long time ago

architecture’s growing dream

was possible      The world of dimensions

was opening into

another sea,

annihilation on a

previously unknown scale


The road along the Fontanka

nearly deserted


We were waiting here


while the clouds

moved swiftly towards

darkening night


Nothing repeats itself     Intensity

assumes other forms

Some of those

who openly oppose the system

live now in mental hospitals

or in the camps     The others wait


But only one possibility exists,

regardless of where you are,                                

to be free

No matter what the tongue may speak

No matter what the heart may tell


A face gazes at me

from the inmost place

of evil’s darkness

strangely broken

It would sell me

for a trifle

A tattooed hand

I watch the face go into

his God, into the house

of liturgy within,

its icons averted, totally

white     Murder’s

two eyes

hovering aloft

or in the depths below

No road exists

In the inmost

corner his mother

kneels on a threadbare mat

the smallest one, the smallest body     She

prays the greatest prayer

for him


Every combination


The child grew up to be

bigger than his mother

went into

nethermost whiteness

for a pittance


The Kirghiz

girl smiles at me

in the underground

where I sit

ever so slightly turning away


I quickly apportion all responsibility

into unequal shares

I don’t want to convert them

into another currency

I am no ones ’s friend



Two children, in the rays of pain                                                        


The nethermost

cannot be degraded


I can’t think of my father

as degraded

Death took him

I imagine

him smiling

even in death


I see his face

below mine

I can sink

even lower


The ever renewing

motions of suffering

burn ever deeper

in the rays of pain


in the motions of pain

in a face

from under


My father never hated

That is what I remember about him


That is his gift to me


There is where he gives me his blessing



Rays from the human beings go

straight in

to an invisible centre, there

unite     And music responds

Every throat becomes a voice

in a growing house


Only in seeing is the sun an eye      Everything

is then pressure from God

But that’s not enough     God

is incomplete, reposing only


in us, in our motions

And we move as errant wayfarers

Our darkness is God’s darkness

And our light is God’s light



All of these souls

suffused in light

From below, from above, from

every direction     As though they were borne

by light rays      As though the floor’s wood

were light


Our light are shadows

In God’s growing darkness

The sun is darkness

in our growing light


God’s rays reach us

from a centre

that is everywhere

Our blinding dazzle is blinded


We are in the light

that eradicates the light



What is God to me?

The invisible face,

reposing      The

invisible aiming point

that is everywhere     

That which dissolves

the callousness of my heart

That which makes my intellect’s

fragile fetters



In God’s presence both


and the lack of humbleness

I don’t try to fit in


What right do I have

to speak of God?


No such right exists



Whom do I dare meet now

among the human kind?

It is as though

I were human

long ago     As though

it were some other time      when

everything was different


The possible moves

like a totalitarian

system, a

body, full of

blinding wounds

I lick the wounds, they taste

of pus, old

blood, rot

My skin is rotting



are an essential part

of the system


When hubris

goes as far as in the case of S…

it turns into humbleness

It is hard to take in

without brain

seizures      You practice

again and again



God’s Ghastliness


Nor is there any respite

for me


The punishment is relentless


It is an

absorption into God

without mercy


Reason’s dogged

holding to

the  unknown     Otherwise

no reason is possible


But the known      And emotion’s


to it     Ghastly



I wait now for

the invisible face

that will come

to take away every face


I wait for the Demons


They knock on my door

with white faces

They call me on the phone, want

me to line up

on their side

as if for nothing

since justice is theirs


I obtain for myself a period of grace

by hiding out


I am not able to hide my face



The bright voice that comes

and talks to me

with all the heart’s warmth, chill


The voice has no props, no cords

It moves about the heart

with the faces of all souls                      


There is no floor, no bottom

But then

there is no roof either, nothing

sealed above, nor

in any other direction


Those who are downtrodden

stamp out their dance


Is there also

a life in taking things back   Drank

of annihilation, was

the child of

bright pus


then displayed, dried

and with two heads

in some autocrat’s vision

But I combine myself

into a new body, another one


Don’t explain! Be silent!

There is nothing to explain

in a whisper


Your fragrance is infinitely still


Lips touches lip,

your fragrance is tranquil


Love corrodes

like an endless balm

waking the dead

or the nearly dead


Do I hide myself  from all that? No!


Only the light exists

and fragile bodies

crumbling from within

because of the light      The only thing that heals—


The heart’s goodness     Whose?   Yours

And the prayer     thy wouldst

watch over me     And stay with me


One day the light will break

though it be eternal

Otherwise there would be no light



Voice to face: mother

Mama! Waving at a distance

So that you will come

Searching every house, lanterns

The only light     The voice rises

an organ’s great columnar sound, within

the house of the womb     There where

the embryo grows, fastened

since then to the membrane of life

It isn’t that you are pushed away

You push death away

The voice is alone in the universe

It can be very quiet or it can ring out

The mother of all sexes


I cry out to you like grass

I am the foliage of all trees

sparkling in the light’s wind

The face turns then                                                                                          

as in a dream    Becomes

a disc, a knife’s edge     Like a

cutting aureole

But you are no longer able to respond


Everything can turn round

Everything has its

topological conversion

That will not prevent you

No dream will prevent you

No dream within what is real will prevent


Now you are being born     or being resurrected

                                     from the dead

Am I too

in the womb of the dead?

Anything is possible


That which is possible and that which is

impossible represents no boundary

You move swift across an infinite



The light rises from the ground

The light radiates from the dark earth


I call you forth now  It doesn’t  


if I get hoarse     Do you

hear my silence too, mama?


I cry out through the telephone as well


     banging on all objects



Each one of us in his sealed wind

towards a single center

Open, only where

the flowing-inward

is possible     Open your heart

to God! And then start moving,


in a motionless movement

invisible to everyone

Only my remorse is alive

It is quite dry, tranquil

Clumsy, imitating too

those who stand

about me


the conditions in all this

are the same     Can I

leave my own past

behind? Are

my tears able

to flow? Like

something flowing toward God

that it may receive

his own flowing     reciprocal

osmosis, between

communing vessels?

The eye of God

is no concrescence!

It shines right through the sun

right through the darkness of stars

What are we doing to

other souls?

The same as we do

to our own

If I let myself down

I let down others as well    and the opposite

is true too     We twist and turn

within the crystalline structure of God

which is our limitation’s vision

It results both in hubris

and humbleness   There is nothing

in between     and perhaps

no liberation, no neither or nor

We just don’t know     Not until

we have been there     And left it


With no sin, no salvation     Shall

we therefore seek sin? No!

Then there’s no salvation         

Salvation only takes place from necessity             


Calculated grace

is itself necessity

Thus save us from grace


Hypocritical  piety is the most repulsive of all

Rather Satan instead!                                                                                                                             

And with Satan’s compassion

the Gaussian bell bursts from within


I have transgressed your commandments

I do it with nearly every step I take

also ascending the mountain

ever steeper in its rise

The quickest step

from zero to infinity


Ultimate clarity is totally black

I am confessing my sin

also with your lips


That is when the eyes soften like the eyes of an animal



The feeling of revolt; against—


The first integral

and then

every integral’s integral


Here is the aiming point, the current

Also in the congealed time

The overpowering crystal of the All

will flow in the end like water


We will be long gone by then

All will be long gone, all revolts

But this doesn’t help

We are those who bear the irredeemable


to the unendurable, its weight                                                                 

To what also consoles, is gentle

That is when revolt will return

turn inward, in infinite directions


Then there will be no aiming point, though still

a flowing      Revolt against revolt

and over again     Until nothing

cancels everything out    And we leave


We exist within eradicated time


And also in time, helpless

within this paradox     We exist

and we do not exist     But we once existed


Thus we pray to the God of nothing, as though

he existed     For it was he who

gave us birth, like a woman

We all stand, turning in the same direction


The face of pain smiles at us,

tranquil, black     The son too is black

A pile of bones from the rag heap

Crimson     Forgiveness of all



Shamefully, furtively

I make my return

The man we were looking for

in the house on the Fontanka

was already in a mental hospital

100  miles beyond Leningrad


Every voice


though alone

is a  flame


the broad waters

and only just discernible


The water is cold

The body follows, dancing,

The movements of the vessel


The storm too blows

with a stiff wind

straight into

the eye of the sun


The Admiralty’s spire beams


at the end of the Prospect

From there fleets issued forth

From there power still proceeds

The deep voice sings


No cosmocrat exists     the Cosmos

                                 governs itself


I want to count the spots on the egg

I slice it with a knife

Lark’s eggs     Gull’s eggs     and the

                         small, blue, brown-spotted egg




Down towards the centre of darkness

I give you now

what I have, or what I do not have

You will be given my Nothing


If you are able to respond, I will

get what you don’t have, or what you have

It will come as light, bitter

or sweet, clear


And the light and the darkness

are the same thing

And happiness comes, and pain

with no difference, no annihilation


translation from Swedish GSW

© Göran Sonnevi 2007
translation © The Copenhagen Review 2007