Anne Blonstein

Anne Blonstein is English and lives in Basel.


the girls in one amsterdam orphanage
that is now the city's historical museum
attached white bonnets to their heads
with wide metal bands

shortened bodies     

how do to it     
without metaphor

though they remind me of
the contraptions attached to the heads of those
condemned to die in an electric chair
chart the distance between charity and charges

bodily     torments     

when she wears a hat
she can bear the label of elegance
but when she takes it off
she is shorn of a pattern to position


what she liked about nouakchott :
the absence of street signs


suddenly it seems
as if the purpose of it all
is to become environment

the unwanted black swans in the thunersee
— australian immigrants —     
may nest in this poem


the heart acting on itself
will slip away like the moon tonight
into the colouring of its shadows
exchange a bloodredness for some very dark grey


"love your viruses" he said to me

the shoulds readhere     incompletely

one can turn words     like one turns a wrist     
to read the time

because when mouths fuse like membranes     the pasts
move in both directions

the shrouds refold indeed

they've sewn their skin together
with a thread too smoke-like to
break     stapled it with a refusal
to admit to a fear     of     stainless steel


if a mongrel dog goes to sleep
in the bole of an ancient oak tree     
perhaps it will dream about
green sheep

à deux     

Drink a preposition
Which brings me nearer
To my present location

"lake & mist & snow / train & tree & stone /
today the lake is like a sea : / wave & surf & grey-
blue these simple words . . ."

à désir rhythmique

at five in the morning
woken from her sleep by a beat
that was faster than her heart
but wanted to damage the night so gently


if you were to     fill
one tea glass     with rice
and another
with still clean water

accuracy demands     
retarding     accelerating     
distraction ratios     

this society wants to
protect itself
from everything

and if you placed them     on
the golden balance     of the future
in a house that might be
hit     by a rocket

after discharge     
refractory apprehension     
disaggregates repair     

she refuses to prepare     a
small plastic case containing     water     chocolate     medicines
for her heart     because it would
wear out     continually reminded of     death by earthquake

copyright©Anne Blonstein